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Fork Over The Chocolate

Required: Chocolate bar, knife, forks, pair of large gloves, clothing
Players: Small to medium groups

You need a bar of chocolate (preferably cold for older players), knife and several forks, a dice, a pair of large gloves and some other items of clothing depending on age group. e.g. scarf, hat, large coat or jacket, trousers, waistcoat, the list is endless.
Everybody forms a circle, half circle or sits on chairs. One person starts by throwing the dice followed by each person in turn. When someone throws a six he then runs to where all the clothes are and starts putting them on, once he is completely dressed he can then start trying to eat the bar of chocolate, with the knife and fork of course, cutting one square at a time. While they are doing this the rest continue throwing the dice and if someone else throws a six, the person eating the chocolate has to stop and get undressed while the next person tries to get dressed and start eating the chocolate etc... The games obviously ends once the chocolate has been eaten.

Submitted by Sara Campos

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