pramukanet's Fan Box

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Ducks N Hens

Required: Two objects
Players: Small to medium groups

Circle up in groups of 8-10. Hand one person two random objects. One of these random objects represents a duck, the other represents a hen. The person is a “vendor”. His goal is to sell the foul. To his right, he passes the first item, and says, “Do you want to buy a duck?” The “buyer” says, “Does it quack?” The vendor says, “Yes it quacks.” The duck continues to be passed to the right with the question and answer session going all the way back to the original vendor and back to the current transaction. (B asks A, A answers B, B sells to C, C asks B, B must turn around and ask A, A answers B, B answers C, C sells to D, D asks C, C asks B, B asks A, A answers B, B answers C, C answers D, and so on.) In the meantime, immediately after the duck is sold, the original vendor turns to his left with the hen, and says, “Do you want to buy a hen?” The buyer asks, “Does it cackle?” “Yes it cackles.” Same deal with the hen... the question and answer session goes all the way back to the original vendor. The fun comes when the messages start to cross. It’s hilarious!

Submitted by Merry Mary

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