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Poison Pool Toss

Required: Splash Water Bombs, noodles, Finger Zingers, and other soft balls
Players: Medium to large groups

Great pool game for large gatherings. Divide the pool in half using a rope or net with players evenly distributed on both sides. If there is a deep end, make sure that players on that side are good swimmers. Have two baskets full of pool toys like noodles, vinyl balls, Splash Water Bombs, Finger Zingers and other soft-sided balls. With same number of toys in each basket, dump them in the water on each side of the line. On go, all players will try to throw the items to the other side of the line and try to keep their side of the pool free of items. You can give them 5 – 10 minutes to do so. When the whistle blows they are to stop immediately. The team with the least amount of items is the winner.

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