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Escargot - French version Hopscotch

Required: Play area and chalk
Players: 2 or more, ages 6 and up

Draw on the sidewalk a snail shaped play area with lines about 12 inches apart for about 15 to 20 squares. Number the squares starting with the outside as the starting point, the first square as number one. The very center of the circle should be a resting stop and just before that is the last number. The first player must hop on one foot without stepping on any lines or putting down the other foot. In the center they can rest and then they must hop back out following the same rules. If they complete this task, they are rewarded one square of their choice to place their initials on, this will give them an additional resting stop. Other players must hop over this stop. The next player will do the same. Anyone who steps on a line or steps on someone’s resting stop loose that turn. You play this until it is impossible to hop to the center or all spaces are initialed. The player with the most spaces initialed is the winner.

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