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Cracker Whistle

Required: Crackers, table or counter, cups and water
Players: Small to large groups

Set up 2-4 teams depending on the number of players. The first player on each team will run to one main table, eat two crackers and then attempt to whistle. Once a player has whistled they run back to their team and tag the next player. That player will also do the same until everyone has completed the task. The first team done is a winner. Make sure you have cups of water nearby just in case someone needs a drink.

Cup Stack Relay Knock Down
Required: 8-10 paper or plastic cups and plates,
one Fun Gripper Team Handball per team
Players: Large groups
Game of the
Month 5/06

Set up teams of 8-10 players in lines facing away from the middle of a circle about 15-20 feet away. In the middle of the circle, somewhat lined up with each teams position, is their pile of cups and plates to stack up.
Each team will be given one ball. The first player from each team will run down to the middle where their equipment is, and stack the plates and cups alternating them, having the cups face down, and then run to the next person to do the same. The next person will run down and un-stack them and then re-stack them. But anyone from another team has the option of using their ball to try to knock down any other team's stacked pile to set them behind. This is done only by the next person in line, on their turn, they cannot go do their task until the person behind them has retrieved the thrown ball and brought it back to the group. If a team's cups are knocked down, the person that stacked them has to return and do it again. So the strategy becomes do you knock down someone else's stack or focus only on your team's progress and play it safe. The first team done is the winner of the game.

Submitted by R Scheel, Fun-Attic, Inc.

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