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Colonial Circle

Players: Small to medium groups
This is a very old game from the colonial days

One player will be the chosen British spy and all other players will be in a circle formation holding hands, facing inward. The spy will request to enter the circle by saying, “Please good people let me in so I can warm my toes and light my pipe”. The players will allow that person to come into the circle. That player will enter and stand in the center of the circle. He will act out that he is warming his toes and lighting his pipe by saying “Ah, it’s great to be able to light my pipe and it’s great to warm my toes”. As he's doing so, he’ll figure out a way out of the circle and then suddenly try to escape through one set of players locked arms. If captured he picks a new spy and the original spy has to sit in the center. If he escapes he picks a new spy to come back and spy with him. When they try to escape, they will exit at different locations in the circle.

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