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18-26 October 2008, Jakarta, Indonesia

Motto "One Spirit, One Promise, One South-east Asian Land" Theme "Developing brotherhood and cultural understanding" Sub Theme "Brotherhood toward peace and prosperous South-East Asian Community"

The Activities

The camp will be filled with various activities. Besides Scouting activities, other activities of the camp consist of cultural exchange, environmental awareness and community development. Those activities are meant to enhance the understanding among ASEAN Scouts that they come from one root and one region, thus together they will work to develop the region to become a well-developed and peaceful area. The cultural exchange module activity consists of cultural performances of the contingents and interactive activities to give other contingents a chance to taste and to understand the cultural concept of other participating countries. In line with the spirit of enhancing and strengthening brotherhood and understanding among the ASEAN Scouts, in most of the activities, the participants will participate as ASEAN patrol.

Age Range
The activities are designed for the youth aged 13 to 16 years. The reason behind it is that the youth of that age already have an understanding about their country, thus are ready to learn more about their responsibility to their country as well as their region.

International Service Team
For Scouters above the age of 18 are possible to join this Jamboree as members of the International Service Team

The Organization
In fostering togetherness and brotherhood among NSOs in ASEAN countries, the camp will be jointly organized by all NSOs from ASEAN countries. Thus every NSOs will give a contribution in making the activity a success. In the preparation time the NSOs will be involved as members of Steering Committee, while during the event they will be involved as members of the Jamboree Service Team.

Camp Fee
US150/participant covering program and transport, campsite and facilities, food and catering, participant pack, sub camp facilities, staff and administration, limited medical care.

The Venue

The camp will be located in Cibubur Camping Ground Jakarta.


The participants are Scouts from NSOs in ASEAN countries, namely; Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.

Related information: The first ASEAN Jamboree, held in January 1994 gathered 14,790 Scouts and Scouters from the ASEAN countries and nine national Scout organizations from other parts of the world was held in Mt. Makiling in Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines.

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