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It is generally visible only with magnification. Chiggers are different than

mites in that they feed only in the larval stage. The chigger larvae get

onto the skin and move around until they meet some obstacle, for

example the waistband of underwear, the elastic band of socks, etc.

They then attach to the skin and begin feeding. The area around where

they are feeding usually turns red with an itching sensation.


1. Wash area with soap and water

2. Apply local topical hydrocortisone cream; antihistamine, or local

anesthetic cream should be applied to reduce the itching. Calamine

lotion can also be used.

3. The wounds must not be scratched

Dr. Michael Stachiw, Ph.D.


Spray your feet and ankles with a quality insect repellent containing

Deet12. Dimenthyl phthalate or flowers of sulphur can also be used in the

socks and around the ankles13.

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